For a cold weather voyage of a week, this is what I would recommend: sleeping bag 2 pair jeans (with lycra
to allow greater freedom of movement) *note: I like jeans, but some people prefer quick-drying cotton trousers. I find that
if you have a good set of waterproofs, you don't have to worry about your jeans getting wet. 5 t shirts 2 sweat
shirts 1 pair thermal (top and bottom) warm gloves (when not on duty) wool hat gortex waterproof jacket
with zip in linings (I bought an excellent all-weather jacket from LLBean with a zip-in polartek lining as well as a zip-in
primaloft lining) plenty of socks and underwear ear plugs walkman (with a relaxation tape to help you to
sleep) eye shades night clothes (sweats will do) pillow case 1 big towel waterproof watch
chocolate (for those long nights on watch) sea sickness pills (I found Bonnine works the best) sea bands
candied ginger (yet another seasick remedy) camera with lots of film disposable waterproof camera travel
diary and pen running shoes sturdy rubber souled boots for working aloft shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste,
and other toiletries Wet Ones towelettes in foil packets large zip lock bags to put your dirty and wet clothes
in clothes line band aids RYA logbook or ASTA logbook (if held) nylon pack for shore excursions
credit card and pocket money passport (if going to foreign ports) knife and marlinspike (beginners need not
worry about these) *check to see if seaboots and oilies (waterproofs) are provided.